Chat, Flirt, Love: Australia Dating Chat Rooms Unveiled
Do you hail from the land down under? Want to meet fellow Aussies? Maybe you are from somewhere else and want to find out more about the beautiful isle of Australia. It could be you want to move down under and are looking to make friends before your arrival. Whatever your reasoning, our Australian chat rooms are definitely the place for you. Chat rooms are a wonderful way of meeting and chatting with people from the same city or country as you. They are also a fantastic way of meeting people from all over the world. You can make connections with people from all walks of life that you may otherwise not have had the chance to meet. All you need is an internet connection and a device such as a laptop, tablet, or phone.
It could be that you are reading this and thinking to yourself ‘What on earth is a chat room?!’. Well have no fear, we can explain all. We are pretty sure that you have a phone or Facebook and will have used instant messaging applications such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. Chat rooms work in the same way as these applications. You and the other person chat in real time, sending messages back and forth like a face-to-face conversation. You can also send pictures to each other and talk to multiple people at the same time. In a chat room, you create a profile with information, nothing too personal, about yourself and a photo. Profiles are used by others to see if you both could make a connection. If this sounds of interest to you then read on to find useful information about our Aussie chat rooms.
First Impressions Count for Everything!
When we first meet someone we make a very quick judgement about them. It is said that it only takes a tenth of a second to form a first impression. We feel like it may take a little bit longer than this in our chat rooms as you are not face-to-face, you can only base your judgment on what they say and the profile information you can see. However, while you may only be messaging online a first impression will still be made very quickly. You must make sure your first message is memorable, relevant, and polite. You want the other person to be immediately interested in you and want to find out more. You need to avoid them yawning at the first message!
- Back to basics. There is nothing like sticking to the familiar but make sure you are not boring! A simple “Hello, how are you today?” is okay as it is a normal, everyday question that anyone would be happy to answer. However, proceed with caution when using the everyday approach as this could be seen as lacking creativity. It could be said that you should combine the basics with some more creative approaches.
- Be specific. Being more specific is more likely to get you a response, especially if what you say is relevant. If you start with ‘I notice that…’ or ‘You have written in your profile that’ you are showing them that you took the time to read their profile. It also demonstrates your genuine interest in them and that you want to find out more. Avoid being vague! The specific approach will get you a response as long as you do not come across as rude or invasive.
- Would you rather? (no, not the rude ones!) - these are excellent openers as they are either funny, thought-provoking, or both! Asking questions like Would you rather have all the money in the world or be immortal? Would you rather have £50,000,000 right now or be 15 again with all the information you have now? Would you rather have to speak in rhyme or riddles for the rest of your life? Okay, so the last one is a bit of fun but is still a question that could get a response! Just make sure you keep these sorts of questions clean, polite, and interesting!
- Deep questioning. This can be risky business so make sure to think very carefully before you ask! If you ask someone how much money they make each month or why they have never been married you run the risk of offending the other person and our Aussie members certainly don’t want to feel they are in an interview! You could ask ‘What is the most meaningful event in your life so far’. These questions can be highly effective but also risky, think carefully.
- General, open questions. These are wonderful as long as they are not relied upon. A simple ‘What was the highlight of your day?’ or ‘What makes you smile the most?’ is open-ended enough that the other person feels comfortable answering them while understanding that they can give as much or as little information as they wish.
The above advice relates, mostly, to your first message but there are other things you need to consider during your chats.
- Be respectful. You must treat the other person in the same way online as you would in ‘the real world’. People from Australia are not always as laid back as television and film would make you believe, they do not want to be treated with disrespect. We would say that respect is the number one factor to keep in mind when chatting to anyone online.
- No rude jokes. Aussies love a good joke just as much as the rest of us but you must keep them clean, at least in the beginning until you know the other person well enough! Make sure you keep away from rude comments, jokes, and photos (more on these later) so that you do not come across as too much of a joker or someone who is always rude.
- Make it interesting. A bored person is a person who walks away from your conversations. You need to keep their interest by asking insightful, open questions and listening carefully. Demonstrate that you have listened through making relevant comments, and asking questions relating to previous conversations or what you see in their profile. People from Australia will want to feel listened to and will spot when this is not happening.
- Make it relevant. Don’t focus on the past or comment on something completely irrelevant. They need to know that you are interested in them and not clutching at straws or talking too much about yourself!
A Picture Can Speak Volumes About a Person
In an online chat room, a picture can either lead to an instant connection or an instant disconnection from the chat room. Your photo is of vital importance and we do not mean that people will judge your appearance (they might). Your photo will be the first thing the other person notices and could be the difference between a conversation and a disconnection. It is said that it takes a person less than a second to make a judgment about a person. It could be said this is even quicker when looking at a photo. Let’s first focus on what to avoid doing in your photos so your Australian counterpart doesn’t disappear down under!
The Do's and Don'ts of Dating Profile Photos
Do's |
Don'ts |
⏩ The Aussies love nothing more than spending time with their families and do so regularly. If you have a photo of you with your friends and/ or family it will show your Australian counterpart that family is important to you and they will appreciate you both sharing the same philosophy. If your photo is with friends make sure it is not a drunken photo but one of you all having a good time. |
You should not use your profile as a way of showing off any belongings or wealth you may be lucky enough to have! Your photos should not show you lying across the bonnet of a fancy car or holding wodges of cash! You need to hold back from appearing materialistic or that you value possessions over anything else. |
⏩ Show your active lifestyle - if you play sports or are interested in fitness then show this in your photos. It provides a topic of conversation while also showing a potential link you could have with each other. We do not mean that you should have a photo of you flexing your muscles. If you play football or like to climb mountains then show this. They may then ask about your favorite team or which peak has been the hardest to reach. |
The wrong kind of selfie - selfies are just as popular in Australia as they are anywhere else in the world. However, there is such a thing as the wrong selfie. You do not want a selfie that shows you very drunk, doing something illegal, or causing distress/ laughing at someone else's expense. You also don’t want your selfie to just show your face, try and make sure you get a bit more of yourself into it! |
⏩ Your interests and hobbies - photos of you doing something you love is another great photo to use. They show the other person a little bit about who you are and what you enjoy doing. If you have a photo of you hiking, maybe in the outback, it will show your love for the outdoors while invoking different questions. Either way, these photos provide a topic of conversation. |
Think about your attire - you do not need to be dressed in your finest clothes, draped in Gucci to give a good impression in your photos. You also cannot be naked or semi-naked in your photos. The latter of these two could make the other person feel that you are only into appearances rather than who a person is. You could potentially attract the wrong sort of person if they are only interested in your physical appearance. Make sure you wear something relevant and appropriate. |
⏩ Animals - who can resist their cute, furry little faces. If you have pets and you post a photo of you with them, not only does it provide another topic of conversation but it will also attract other animal lovers, and we know how much Australians love animals! |
They need to be able to see you - make sure you are not kneeling or squatting down. Too many people use these photos to hide something about themselves. You need to be completely visible or they may think you are hiding something! |
Something else to consider is the quality of your photos. They need to be clear, open and honest. By open and honest we mean that they should not hide anything or be seen to be covering something up! It is also a good idea to have at least one photo that is a full portrait, showing you smiling. Make sure it is recent, not from ten years ago!
Should I Ask or Should I Not?
Asking questions is the basis of every aspect of our day-to-day living. On average we, as adults, ask around 25 to 35 questions a day(!) so we need to make sure that they all count. You want to make sure your Australian match does not feel like they are being interviewed or interrogated but rather an equal part of an interesting conversation. Here are some questions that you should consider if you want to make a meaningful connection in our Australian chat rooms.
- ‘How are you today?’ Now this is not suitable for a first message but is still a good question once a connection is made. You can ask your Australian friend how they are, how their day has been etc which shows your genuine interest in them. Proceed with caution though as you do not want them to get bored or irritated by repeating the same question.
- Asking about their family. Remember, people from Australia love their family and want to find a match who shares this principle. When you first start chatting you can ask about their siblings, which part of Australia they group up in etc. However, make sure you are not too personal with these questions as you do not want them to feel forced into giving information they are not ready to share. Ask general questions until you are both ready to share more.
- Everyday life. Ask your new Australian friend about their job or hobbies. If you are unaware of their line of work you can ask questions that give a bit more information. This shows you are interested in their work and not just the social aspects. If you are in a similar line of work you could share stories. Just make sure you do not get too personal such as asking how much they earn or why they haven’t been promoted yet.
- Tell me one thing that….questions. As long as you are not rude or intrusive these can be excellent, especially as an opening question. ‘Tell me one thing that made you smile today’ is excellent and can be answered in as little or as much detail as is desired. Respect what they have to say and they will speak with you more!
- Ask about Australia. If you are not from Australia you could ask about the beautiful island. They will appreciate your interest in their homeland and will enjoy telling you more!
Sometimes it is what we do not say or ask that is most important. There are some questions you will want to make sure to avoid in order to keep the conversation going! Here are just a few to consider.
- Don’t be intrusive. Yes, you will want to find out more about your Australian friend but there is being interested and then there is digging for personal information. Intrusive questions are those that have an answer that is very personal such as ‘How much money do you earn each month?’. This doesn’t show interest but more of a dig into their personal life. Some intrusive questions can be asked but only when you have an established friendship. You can ask about past relationships or interests in having children when you and your Australian friend have a more established connection.
- Sex. People from Australia will not want to share any information about their sex lives, at least not until you have a very secure relationship as they feel this is information you only share with those you completely trust. If you ask questions of this nature you are likely to scare the other person away. Our Australian users want to match with people based on trust and mutual respect.
- Stay relevant and interesting. Yes, you can ask general questions about their day or what the weather is like where they are but not all the time. If these sorts of questions are the foundation of all your conversations your new connection will quickly become an old connection. Our Australian members are laid back and love chit-chat but they do not want to be bored!
Just remember, if it sounds wrong to ask then it probably is!
What and What Not to Talk About. Which Topics Do You Choose?
When you are chatting with those who know you very well, any topic can be brought to the table, unless you already know it will cause upset or arguments. You can start a debate knowing that everyone will still be friendly at the end, whether you all agree or not! The same cannot be said about certain topics in the online world, especially chat rooms. You need to make sure you pick your topics carefully as you do not want to upset or offend someone. This could push them away. Here are a few topics that could be successful or are appropriate to discuss in our Australian chat rooms.
- Ask about their day. It is certainly acceptable to ask the other person how their day has been or what their week has been like. This topic is okay as it is general conversation but make sure not to rely on this as it can get pretty boring if it is the only topic. Asking what the weather's like in Melbourne is fine but if you ask every day it gets mundane. You can switch it up a bit, instead of asking how their day has been you could ask ‘What made you smile today?’ or ‘How can I make your day better today?’.
- Future plans. No, not discussions about marriage or plans to have children, that can come later. Ask them what their plans are for the weekend, and discuss where you are going and what you are doing. If you have established that you have similar interests this can make the conversation one that bounces back and forth with ease. If you both live in Australia these conversations could lead to joint plans together
- Ask about Australia. If you are not from Australia then the perfect topic for you to bring up is the incredible island itself. They will feel comfortable being able to talk about their own country while it gives them the chance to ask insightful questions and learn new information. You can also discuss where you are from and the conversation will have a good back and forth with you both asking questions and making comparisons.
- Childhood. You can discuss your childhood and the events of your life as you grew up but tread carefully. If they did not have a positive experience and are not ready to share this with you yet they may be withdrawn or cut off from this topic. Do this carefully, maybe mentioning funny or interesting stories but do not push for information if it is clear they do not want to give it.
- Random topics are good. We do not just mean the weather, yawn! You could talk about a film you have seen, your favorite artist's latest album the amazing recipe you are going to try, or which spiders to avoid in Australia. You need to keep the conversations relevant and interesting so do not fixate on one topic all of the time and certainly do not concentrate on yourself!
It is important to remember that some areas are a definite no. You do not want to cause upset, anger, or distress. You also do not want to cause the other person to stop talking with you. Here are some topics to avoid!
- X - Being rude in general - if you use foul language or consistently tell rude or inappropriate stories/ jokes you are likely to lose your Australian counterpart. People from Australia have a great sense of humor but do not appreciate this sort of behavior, especially at the beginning of a relationship.
- X - Politics and religion - Unless you enter into one of our religion chat rooms then these two areas are probably best to avoid, at least until you know each other better or in person. Politics and religion can be very divisive, especially when two people do not have a connection that they want to keep. In short, both of you may be less tolerant of differing views with someone new. Avoid these topics until your connection is strong enough to withstand any disagreements.
- X - Overly direct or personal - asking how much they earned last year or whether they had all of the COVID-19 jabs are not only extremely personal but are asking for information most people do not wish to share. You do not want your Australian friend to feel like you are interviewing them or searching for personal information to benefit yourself. Keep the questions relevant and not too personal!
When you have spent some time chatting with your Australian friend and you have established a secure friendship you can discuss topics that are a bit more sensitive. You should also ask if it is okay to discuss these things or make clear your intentions e.g. “I am thinking of getting a job in a similar field to you, what is the average yearly income?”. No matter which topic you discuss you must make sure you do so respectfully.
Your Safety in a Chat is Paramount
Some people enter the online world and suddenly feel that the rules no longer apply! This is certainly not the case in our chat rooms. When using our Australian chat rooms your first priority should be to make sure you are safe and not at risk. You also want to make sure that the other person feels safe as well. Now, at we do everything within our power to make sure all of our users not only feel safe but are safe at all times. We have a contact service for any issues that arise and we monitor our users, making sure they have not had any prior instances of abusing others. Here are some things to consider to make sure you are safe.
- Bank details. You would not walk up to a complete stranger in the street and give them your sort code, account number, and the four-digit PIN for your bank card. The same rules apply when using our online chat rooms. In all honesty, if someone is genuinely interested in making a connection with you they will not be asking you for financial assistance in any way. People who do this can sometimes be very clever. They will make you feel sorry for them and create a desire to help them. If you notice this happening you have three options. 1. Give them the money, this is a massive risk that could cause you financial and/ or mental health issues. 2. Call them out on it and ask what their intentions are etc but be warned, if they want to scam you for your money they will lie convincingly or 3. Stop the chat immediately and contact us!
- Photos. His is becoming an ever-growing issue in the online world. People share inappropriate photos of themselves with others or use others' images inappropriately. They do this because they think the other person is genuinely interested/ in love with them or to get positive attention. More often than not all that happens is the sender feels bad or dirty for sending such a photo and ends up regretting it a great deal. These photos could be used for any number of inappropriate purposes that could ruin your career and your mental health.
- Meeting offline. Be careful and make sure you have established a long-term relationship and are happy that they are who they say they are. We check our members thoroughly but we do not know them as a person. If the time comes that you both agree to meet offline you should also agree to have chaperones, and meet during the day and in a public place. Please do not be scared by this part. We hope that 100% of matches can lead to meeting offline and establishing long-term, successful relationships. If someone asks to meet offline after only a few days then this could be a red flag.
We hope that you have found this article regarding our Australian chat rooms interesting and informative. We want all of our members to have the best experience possible while using our services. Just remember to always chat in a respectful, kind manner and in a way that you would like to be treated. Good luck in our Australian chat rooms and we hope you find someone you can make a long-lasting connection with!